Tag Archives: Baucus

Pelosi calls an emergency meeting on push for ‘robust’ public option

OK, now I’m confused. We have the Baucus Caucus which is the raucus caucus. The failed Dukakis Caucus as opposed to the Secaucus Caucus in NJ which Baucus used to belong until he got Streptococcus. Now we have cozy Pelosi not looking so rosey. Somebody help me out.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scrambling to push back the notion she lacks the votes for a “robust” public option.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) called an emergency meeting of her caucus Friday morning to declare that she has not abandoned the push for including that provision in a healthcare bill.

The Speaker met late Thursday night with the Progressive Caucus, the bloc of Democrats most supportive of a robust public option, and assured them that it was still on the table, according to a member in attendance.

And according to attendees, Pelosi reiterated that pledge to the larger caucus at Friday’s morning meeting.

The Hill reported Thursday night that a survey of Democrats shows Pelosi and her leadership team are a handful of votes short of the 218 they need to guarantee passage of a healthcare bill containing the public option favored by liberals. That public option would be tied to current Medicare rates for hospitals and ‘Medicare plus 5 percent” for doctors.

Read the rest of the article here:


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Filed under Healthcare Bill, Nancy Pelosi

$1 Trillion Reform For 5%

You read that right my friends. If you want to know who the “real” uninsured Americans are, check out these facts. Are you getting as tired of the fearmongering as I am? Remember, the healthcare bill has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with control.


THE health-care-reform debate is plagued by different num bers on how many Ameri cans lack health insurance, but we actually have excellent data on the question: Ninety percent of Americans are insured, according to the Census — and even the president more or less concurs.

The Census is the source for the much-cited figure of 46 million uninsured. Yet the very same table plainly indicates that 9 million of those are not US citizens. That leaves 37 million uninsured who are Americans.

But there’s more. In the same document, the Census also plainly states that “health-insurance coverage is underreported” in its survey. When it cross-checked its survey results with the official Medicaid rolls, it found that 16.9 percent of those on Medicaid had claimed on their Census forms that they were uninsured. That 16.9 percent amounts to 9 million people.

To read the rest of the article, click here:


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Filed under Barack Obama, Healthcare Bill

Snowe Job

snoweOlympia Snowe voted along with the democrats to help pass the $829 Billion Baucus Bill.  Snowe said, “My vote today is my vote today. It doesn’t forecast what my vote will be tomorrow.” Well, thanks for the Snowe job Olympia.


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Filed under Healthcare Bill