Tag Archives: Global Warming

An Inconvenient Question – video

Whatever you do, don’t ask any climatechangers a relevant question regarding the University of East Anglia emails. Unless of course you want to be treated like a criminal.

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Filed under Global Warming

Gibbs: Despite research dispute, ‘climate change is happening’ Thanks Baghdad Bob

Well, the most embarrassing White House Press Secretary, Baghdad Bob Gibbs is in total denial. “I don’t think that’s anything that is, quite frankly, among most people, in dispute anymore,” he said during Monday’s press briefing. He is, of course referring to anthropogenic (that means man-made for you liberals out there) global warming.  This guy could get hit in the face with a frying pan and deny the existance of frying pans. What a maroon! Our President is flying his multitude of CO2 emitting jets to Copenhagen while he’s in the neighborhood to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize (which he won for what he is supposedly going to do in the future) and commit the United States to billions of dollars to contain the emissions we produce all in the name of halting global warming which doesn’t exist to begin with. Stay with me here for a minute. It has been revealed in the recently exposed emails from the University of East Anglia CRU that the numbers were falsified to create a movement of government control and grant money. Obama is still going to Copenhagen. Still.

We're not going to let the truth get in the way of our agenda


The White House on Monday made exceptionally clear that it wants nothing to do with the furor over documents that global warming skeptics say prove the phenomenon is not a threat.

Despite the incident, which rocked international headlines last week, climate science is sound, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stressed this afternoon, and the White House nonetheless believes “climate change is happening.”

Read the rest of the article here:


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Filed under Barack Obama, Global Warming

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?


I haven’t written anything on the very damning evidence which broke on Thursday regarding the emails which were released exposing global warming for the huge scam and hoax that it is. I wanted to make sure that this actually played out to be real, which evidently it has. Al Gore must be creating a little warming of his own…in his pants, that is over this bit of news. My liberal friends (yes I have many) usually avoid the topic, but now that the scam has been revealed, I wonder if they will blindly follow Al Gore and the other scientists who were in it strictly for the grant money, or will their eyes be opened to reality. The legitimate climatologists who dared to buck the climate change promoters should be commended for sticking to the facts instead of promoting the junk science which Al and the other liars have been touting, and stating that “the debate is over.” 

I wonder, yet doubt if the Nobel Committee will rescind Al Gore’s Nobel Prize, and the Academy of Motion Pictures will kindly ask for his Oscar to be returned, or if the multi millions of dollars old Al has illegally made from this false religion of globalwarmingism will be re-paid to the suckers who bought into it. If this plays out with Congressional hearings, shouldn’t this new-found reality rock these climate-change believer’s non-warming world? Should Al and his shady accomplices be charged with fraud and go to jail? Don’t hold your CO2-filled breath too long my friends. So far only Fox News has dared to report this breaking news story. Nothing from the mainstream media, and nothing, repeat nothing from the White House yet. My guess is that when the Obama thugs speak of this, they will avoid the substance of the issue and attack the hackers and leakers of this information and go along their merry way to Copenhagen to throw the USA under the bus once again and tout us as the bad guys who are polluting the world. Will this finally be the story which breaks Cap & Trade and global warming into little pieces of nothing only to float away in the non-rising seas? Maybe…maybe not.

 Read about the email scandal here:

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?


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Filed under Global Warming

Warning. Very graphic and ridiculous video of global warming idiots making movies

This is graphic, so you have been warned. The hypocrisy of these global warming nutcases is beyond the pale. Now that the evidence is in that it is a complete hoax, these morons will stop at nothing and even get graphic in their assault on reality. Give it up Algore. It’s over. Idiots.

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Filed under Global Warming

‘Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution, dangerous work’ – Unhinged report

The following conversation is purely fictional and does not represent any person living or dead and is only a vehicle to point out the pure stupidity of the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind…and I suppose womankind as well in this particular case. The writer of this blog is in no way suggesting prostitution as a substitution for prosecution or restitution for fishing or farming. Thank you.

Woman #1 – You know, since we can’t fish or farm anymore because of global warming, I don’t know what we’re going to do.

Woman #2 – Me neither. Wait…let’s go be prostitutes.

Woman#1 – Hmmm…prostitution, huh? That sounds awesome.

Woman #2 – Great. we’ll do it until they integrate gender considerations into global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Woman#1 – That will definitely bring a better understanding of population dynamics, gender and reproductive health to climate change and environmental discussions at all levels.

Woman#2 – OK then, let’s go be prostitutes.

This sure is strange weather. Let's go be prostitutes

The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.

Suneeta Mukherjee, country representative of the United Nations Food Population Fund (UNFPA), said women in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the country.

“Climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing, possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection,” Mukherjee said during the Wednesday launch of the UNFPA annual State of World Population Report in Pasay City.

Read the rest of the ridiculous article here:


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Filed under Global Warming

With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

This is just pathetic. Facts are an, um… inconvenient thing aren’t they Al? The biggest liar in the world has to resort to Photoshop to sell his ridiculous book. Are one of those hurricanes actually spinning the wrong way Algore? Time to fire the artist. Can’t anyone put together the fact that Gore’s net worth has gone up while the temperatures have gone down? Sorry Al, we’re not buying it.

The King of cap and trade simply airbrushes them in to his new book to create a more scary earth

With the increasingly discredited notion of man-made global warming crashing and burning on a daily basis, climate alarmists are being forced to accelerate their fearmongering to unprecedented levels. With the evidence failing to match up to the doomsday proclamations, Al Gore has turned to photoshop in order to make a CO2-choked earth look scary enough to sell his cap and trade scam.

The latest example of climate cult fakery comes in the form of the front cover of Al Gore’s new book, Our Choice; A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis.

Before Airbrushing

After The Pathetic Airbrushing

Read the rest of the article here:


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Filed under Global Warming

After spending binge, White House says it will focus on deficits

Wow, what a great idea. Run up the deficits and then focus on deficit reduction. Wait…what? Also, don’t think for a microsecond that this administration won’t do anything that will take the country out of crisis mode until a year before election time. Obama wants to be known as the savior who saves us from crisis even though he created the crisis. Read Rules for Radicals. Focus on deficit reduction? Riiight.


Obama cutting the deficit

President Barack Obama plans to announce in next year’s State of the Union address that he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal deficit in 2010 – and will downplay other new domestic spending beyond jobs programs, according to top aides involved in the planning.

The president’s plan, which the officials said was under discussion before this month’s Democratic election setbacks, represents both a practical and a political calculation by this White House.

On the practical side, Obama has spent more money on new programs in nine months than Bill Clinton did in eight years, pushing the annual deficit to $1.4 trillion. This leaves little room for big spending initiatives.

On the political side, Obama can help moderate Democrats avoid some tough votes in an election year and, perhaps more importantly, calm the nerves of independent voters who are voicing big concerns with the big spending and deficits. Even if Obama succeeds – and that’s a big if – it will be tough for many Democrats to sell themselves as deeply concerned about spending after voting for the stimulus, the bailouts, the health care legislation and a plan to address global warming, four enormous government programs.

Read the rest of the article here:


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Filed under Barack Obama

State of the Climate -October was the 3rd coolest EVER! Is Al Gore listening?

Yoo hoo, Aaaalll. Mr. Gore? Anyone home? As you and your fraudulent cronies meet in Copenhagen in a couple of weeks to discuss how the planet is warming and will kill everything, the numbers tell a completely different story. Facts can be a stubborn thing, can’t they Al. You see, according to NOAA, part of the National Climatic Data Center of the U.S. Department of Commerce, you are not exactly being up front with the American people. And with the current “Cap & Trade” bill which passed the House, it will cost every single American their hard-earned money and will do nothing for the environment. Nice try Al.

National Overview:

  • Temperature Highlights – October
  • The average October temperature of 50.8°F was 4.0°F below the 20th Century average and ranked as the 3rd coolest based on preliminary data.
  • For the nation as a whole, it was the third coolest October on record. The month was marked by an active weather pattern that reinforced unseasonably cold air behind a series of cold fronts. Temperatures were below normal in eight of the nation’s nine climate regions, and of the nine, five were much below normal. Only the Southeast climate region had near normal temperatures for October.

Read the rest of the “inconvenient’ facts here:


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Filed under Global Warming

Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill

Stay tuned for another crap sandwich. There is no man-made global warming, yet these Democrats led by John Forbes Kerry and Barbara Boxer are pushing this thing down our throats. Be ready for your power bills to double folks.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A key U.S. Senate environment committee approved a Democratic climate change bill on Thursday that would require industry to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases 20 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels.

The bill approved by the Environment and Public Works Committee will now become one of several initiatives in the Senate aimed at attacking global warming. But they are unlikely to produce legislation that would be voted on by the full Senate until next year at the earliest.

With Republicans boycotting the environment panel’s measure, saying more analysis of the legislation was needed, 10 Democrats approved the bill and one Democrat, Senator Max Baucus, voted against it.

Senator John Kerry, who co-authored the bill with fellow Democrat Barbara Boxer, is leading an effort with some Republicans and the White House to draft a compromise.

Democrats in Congress, working on a major plank of President Barack Obama‘s agenda, have been anxious to show at least some progress on enacting a domestic climate change bill before December 7, when an international global warming summit convenes in Copenhagen.

Read the rest of the article here:


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U.S. Tops in Energy Resources – Yet we can’t use it?

So we have more energy reserves than any other country on the planet, yet we have to waste our time and money with this green nonsense. Why isn’t there a revolt in Washington about letting us use our own resources? if the goal is to get us off of foreign oil, then let’s get going. Look at the charts below and let your green buddies know that we don’t need compact flourescent bulbs when we already have the resources for inexpensive long-lasting energy right here in the USA.

The United States has largest energy reserves on Earth, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service.

As shown in the charts below, the U.S. has 1,321 billion barrels of oil (or barrels of oil equivalent for other sources of energy) when combining its recoverable natural gas, oil and coal reserves.

While Russia is a close second with 1,248 billion barrels, other energy producing nations are far behind. No. 3 is Saudi Arabia (543 billion barrels), followed by China (494 billion barrels), Iran (426 billion barrels) and Canada (221 billion barrels.)

Read the rest of the article here:






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